Monday, March 4, 2013

New Orleans Marathon

Race: New Orleans Rock n Roll Marathon
Date: 24 Feb 2013
Location: New Orleans, LA
Distance: 26.2
Time: 4:39:35
Overall: 1570/2631
Female: 587/1202
30-34F Age Group: 117/223
Marathon # 13
Garmin Link: Not available yet

This was my slowest marathon, my time was only 3 minutes faster than the 50K I ran last month.  So many things went wrong before the race even started.  To start, I was sick the week before leaving.  After I started feeling better, I developed a sinus and ear infection.  The pain was so bad, I couldn't get out of bed, but I was still determined to run.  I spend the entire week taking decongestants and sleeping, but the pain would not go away.  I was very fortunate we decided to drive because there was no way I could get on a plane.  Mark and I made the 12 hour drive to my parents house the Thursday before the race.  By this point the pain had started to weaken, but the congestion was still a big issue.  I could no longer hear anything out of my left ear.  I rode the entire trip with my head back trying to get it to drain.  By the next day, I was starting to loose my voice and by the time we finished at the expo, I was a mute.  I went to bed early and was very thankful to be sleeping at my parents house and not a hotel.  I felt a bit better the next morning, but knew this was going to be a long race.  I started struggling at mile 5, but not for the reason I expected.  I made three visits to the porta potty between miles 5 and 10.  The stops accounted for about 20 minutes because of the lines.  I didn't mind, I wasn't going to finish strong anyway, so I decided to just enjoy the run.  The second half of the race went better, mainly because I didn't have anything left inside of me :)  I ran the last half at a decent pace.  I was so happy to finish!!  Later that night the OKC group went for a post race dinner.  Unfortunately by this time, I could not talk at all and had no hearing in my left ear.  Things seemed to be getting worse.  My ear was also bleeding.....not good.  I went to an urgent care clinic the next morning and found out my eardrum ruptured.  My best guess is that this happened late Wednesday or early Thursday before the race.  The doctor gave me antibiotics and by that night, I was feeling much better.  I was able to enjoy a night out in New Orleans!!!  Even with a ruptured eardrum, sinus infection and ear infection, I don't regret running the race.  I loved the experience and I'm happy to have shared the it with my friends and family.  Ten days later, I still don't have much hearing in my left ear, but it is improving.  I should be back to normal in a few more weeks.
At the start with Mark
Finishers Medal
Number and Finishers Medal

Reflection at night

St Louis Cathedral

Post run treats


Post race meal :)
My favorite!!!
Stop at the cigar shop